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Allt fler omfattas av upphandlingslagarna

Upphandlingslagarna omfattar statliga myndigheter, regioner, kommuner och offentligt styrda organ samt i vissa särskilda fall även privata företag. Ny statistik från Upphandlingsmyndigheten visar att antalet offentliga organisationer som omfattas av...

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Nytt beslut om kostnader för upphandlingsdokument

Enligt upphandlingslagstiftningen ska den som upphandlar tillhandahålla fri, direkt, fullständig och kostnadsfri tillgång till upphandlingsdokument. Tillgången till standarder och standardavtal är däremot ofta förenad med kostnader – något som Konkurrensverket...

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Boosting the Financial Health of Low-Income Workers in Kenya Through a Holistic Banking Platform

Formal financial inclusion is high in Kenya and has consistently increased over the last few decades: 84% of adult Kenyans in 2021 (vs 27% in 2006) had...

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Want to Learn AI: Here Are Google’s Free Generative AI Courses to Transform Your Skills!

If you have been following me, you might be aware that the CEO of Google DeepMind recently stated that we could see some form of Artificial General Intelligence...

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Business decision guide for solopreneurs: Implications of time for productivity

If you have been following me, you might be aware that the CEO of Google DeepMind recently stated that we could see some form of Artificial General Intelligence...

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Importance of conversion rate optimization (CRO) in digital marketing

If you have been following me, you might be aware that the CEO of Google DeepMind recently stated that we could see some form of Artificial General Intelligence...

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